Neuro Timing
Neuro Timing is critical to just about everything we do in life. It’s more than just walking and chewing gum at the same time! Neuro Timing is the synchronization of neural impulses within brain networks to improve function. One or both of BTA’s Neuro Timing tools are incorporated into programs for Academics, Auditory Processing, Brain Recovery, Healthy Aging, Peak Performance, and Social/Emotional/Stress issues.
BlazePod is a smart reaction training platform designed to improve reaction time, focus, agility, decision-making, and more.
At BTA, our clients use BlazePods to:
Improve cognitive abilities, attention, focus, and mental processing speed.
Enhance coordination and spatial awareness by stimulating the brain to understand the body's position in space better.
Increase agility and reaction time with flash reflex training that strengthens neural connections for faster responses.
To purchase your own BlazePod kit and save 15%, visit https://www.blazepod.com/BrainTrainAmerica and use discount code 4CC9060B7E3
Interactive Metronome (IM)
IM Pro / IM-Home Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-based training and assessment tool that improves cognition, attention, focus, memory, speech/language, executive functioning, comprehension, and sensory motor skills. At BTA, we tailor the IM Pro program to the specific needs of each individual. IM-Home is the home-based version of IM Pro, connected through our e-clinic.